There’ll be minor changes to the boundaries of Papanui Ward for the 2022 election, and the local Community Board will change from Papanui-Innes to be the Waipapa/Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board, with two board members and one councillor elected from each of the three Wards. Click through for more information:
Northern Community Market
The Christchurch Northern community Market is on today Saturday 4 December from 10am to 3pm at Northcote Primary School. After today there’ll only be one more market day before Christmas.
Bus Route Review reminder: 17 and 28
Consultation reminder: Environment Canterbury’s review of Bus Routes 17 and 28 closes this Sunday 5 December. Click through for more information and to have your say on proposals to rework these two routes, to remove the 125 stop at the airport terminal, and to consider purchasing electric buses in the future:
Agenda of Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board – Friday, 3 December 2021
The final 2021 meeting of the Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board is scheduled for this Friday 3 December at 9am.
The agenda includes:
- public forum items on a St Albans innovating streets project and on a shared path in the Cranford/Rutland area;
- an application to the Board’s Positive Youth Development Fund;
- options for a Board meeting schedule for 2022, including potentially changing from two to one formal meeting per month;
- the appointment of a recess committee for the summer break;
- and an area report on initiative and issues current within the Community Board area.
Members of the public will not be able to attend in person but can request to do so via audio/visual link, and the meeting will also be streamed on the Board’s Facebook page.
Click through for the full agenda:
Agenda of Waipapa Papanui-Innes Community Board – Friday, 3 December 2021
Vaccine certificates needed Council facilities from Friday
When the city moves to the new COVID-19 Protection Framework this Friday 3 December, only people who have been double vaccinated and have the official My Vaccine Pass will be allowed to use many of the Council’s public facilities. This includes libraries, recreation centres & indoor pools, the art gallery, the civic offices, and customer service centres. Click through for more details:
Community Board cycleway briefing this Thursday
The Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood and Papanui-Innes Community Boards will hold a joint briefing this Thursday 2 December at 6pm on the Wheels to Wings – Papanui ki Waiwhetū Major Cycleway. This workshop was requested by Councillors in a February 2021 Notice of Motion, which directed staff to produce a range of design options for the Community Boards to consider in public workshops prior to the commencement of the hearings process. The purpose of the workshop is to provide information to the Community Boards, to inform their submissions to the Wheels to Wings hearings panel.
At the workshop design changes made following initial consultation, and a summary of the feedback received in the second round of community engagement will be presented, and the Community Board members will have the opportunity to ask the project team questions. Due to COVID restrictions public cannot attend in person but the meeting will be livestreamed on the Council’s web page and YouTube channel. Click through to read the full agenda:
Conservation Volunteers at Papanui Bush: Friday 3 December
Conservation Volunteers New Zealand will be at Papanui Bush this coming Friday 3 December from 9:30am to 12:30pm, working alongside members of the Rotary Club of Papanui to release plantings and remove weeds within the reserve. Community members are welcome to join in – BYO gardening gloves, boots etc, and please register via the website. Meet at Bridgestone Reserve on Langdons Road. Click through for more information and to register:
Conservation Volunteers – Bridgestone Reserve (Papanui Bush)
Bus Route Review: changes proposed for routes 17, 28, and 125
Changes to local bus routes are being proposed by Environment Canterbury. The review could see two new routes being made out of a combination of the current Route 17 (Bryndwr to Huntsbury) and Route 28 (Casebrook to Lyttelton). As part of the proposal, the route 125 (Redwood to Westlake) that presently stops at the airport terminal would instead use the bus stop outside the Antarctic Centre on Orchard Rd and not go into the terminal. Feedback is also sought on purchasing electric buses rather than the budgeted low-emission diesel ones. Click through for more information, including proposed route maps and an online feedback form:
Nor’West Arc Cycleway: Hearings Panel outcome
The Hearings Panel for the Papanui to University section of Te Ara O-Rakipaoa Nor’West Arc Cycleway has finished considering submissions and has made recommendations for the cycleway design. Recommendations were made following the consideration of written submissions, hearing from submitters, a site visit, and Q&A with staff, and include: the one-way cycleway option on Ilam Road; the two-way cycleway option on Aorangi Road; and a number of detailed recommendations relating to specific aspects of the design. Final decisions will be made by the Council’s Urban Development and Transport Committee, early in the New Year. Click through to read the full Hearings Panel minutes:
19 November Community Board meeting outcomes
At the 19 November meeting, the Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board: received a public forum presentation from Te Ora Hou Otautahi, and a deputation in relation to the road naming agenda item; approved a new road name for a development at 1090 Main North Road; and received an area report on issues and initiatives within the Board area. The Board will next meet on Friday 3 December. Click through for the full minutes: