Final reminder: submissions on the ECan Long Term Plan (including the proposal to disestablish the 107 and 108 bus routes in the Papanui area) closes at 5pm on Monday 26 March 2018. Think Papanui has made a submission that includes comments made in response to the previous post on this topic, but your words will carry more weight if you give your own feedback directly. You can do this through the web-based ECan submission portal (follow the link below), but a more user-friendly way is to send submissions by email (to mailroom@ecan.govt.nz) – please ensure you use ‘LTP SUBMISSION’ as your email subject and that your name and address is included. You can also request the opportunity to talk to Councillors about your submission. Video and written/paper submissions are accepted also. https://www.ecan.govt.nz/your-region/plans-strategies-and-bylaws/long-term-plans/

Long-Term Plans
Our Long-Term Plan sets out our service priorities, work programmes and resource requirements such as expenditure and funding for a 10-year period. We produce a new Long-Term Plan every three years, which incorporates our Annual Plan for the first of the three years. A separate annual plan is produc…