District Plan changes open for consultation

Pictured: proposed zoning in the Papanui area.

The Council’s Housing and Business Choice Plan Change (Plan Change 14) and the Heritage Plan Change (Plan Change 13) have both been officially notified today. Formal submissions on the plan changes can be made until 3 May 2023.

Plan Change 14 has been designed to bring the city’s District Plan in line with the Government’s new national standards to encourage multi-unit housing developments, called the Medium-Density Residential Standards (MDRS).

Under the Heritage Plan Change, new Residential Heritage Areas have been put forward for protection, with a number of new buildings, items and interiors added to the Schedule of Significant Historic Heritage.

Click through for more information, including interactive and downloadable maps showing how the plan changes apply: https://www.ccc.govt.nz/growingcity

Council’s annual budget open for feedback until 10 April

Image credit: Christchurch City Council

The Council’s Annual Plan process is the way that the budget is set for the next financial year, including what will be spent on project and services, and where the money will come from. Click through for more information, including a link to the detailed plan and and online feedback form. Hard copies of the plan are also available at Council libraries and service centres.

Draft Community Board plan open for feedback

The Waipapa/Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board has developed a draft three-year plan that sets out the Board’s vision and priorities for the local community. The plan, along with those drafted by Christchurch’s other Community Boards, is now open for feedback until 26 March 2023.

Click through for more information, including an online version of the plan and a feedback form: https://www.ccc.govt.nz/the-council/haveyoursay/show/580

Council releases briefing on Wheels to Wings cycleway

Following a request made by Think Papanui under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act (LGOIMA), the Christchurch City Council has released a presentation and video relating to the Wheels to Wings – Papanui ki Waiwhetū cycleway. The information released had been presented to Councillors at a closed-door briefing in February 2023, ahead of decision-making on the potential deferral of a number of transport projects, including this one1.

A screenshot from the video released by the Council

The text accompanying the information release was as follows: “The presentation from 14 February 2023 is attached. A redacted version of the video presented at the briefing is attached. We have taken this approach as a number of bystanders are identifiable (including school children). The attached video shows the main pinchpoints that were highlighted at the briefing


The presentation is posted here in full as received from the Council.


The video is posted here in full as received from the Council. Note that as mentioned above, the video was redacted prior to release to Think Papanui.


1. See item 14 (Climate Emergency Response Fund (Transport Choices) – Decision over how to Progress) in the agenda and minutes of the 22 February 2023 meeting of the Council’s Finance and Performance Committee. The outcome of the meeting was that the Wheels to Wings cycleway was not included in the list of projects to be deferred by one year.

9 March Community Board meeting outcomes

On Thursday 9 March, the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board:

  • received four public forum presentations;
  • approved four traffic and parking agenda items;
  • approved the scheme design and other changes associated with traffic light and intersection layouts for the new PAK’nSAVE on Main North Road;
  • approved two grants from the Board’s Discretionary Response Fund;
  • received the report from the Electoral Officer on the recent by-election;
  • and received an area report on issues and initiatives in the Board area.

Ali Jones was also sworn in as a Community Board member following the recent by-election.

The Board will next meet on Thursday 13 April. Click through to read the full minutes: https://christchurch.infocouncil.biz/Open/2023/03/PCBCC_20230309_MIN_9113_AT.PDF

Community Board meeting agenda: 9 March 2023

The Waipapa/Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board will meet on Thursday 9 March 2023 at 4pm in the Papanui Boardroom. The agenda includes:

  • swearing-in of Ali Jones as a Community Board member following the recent by-election;
  • public participation;
  • changes to parking restrictions at four locations in the Ward;
  • new traffic lights for Main North Road outside the new PAK’nSAVE (pic), and changes to the Main North Road / Northcote / QEII intersection;
  • two applications to the Board’s Discretionary Response Fund;
  • a report from the Electoral Officer on the by-election;
  • and an area report on issues and initiatives in the Community Board area.

    The meeting is open for the public to attend and video will be available via the Board’s YouTube channel and Facebook page. Click through for the full agenda: https://christchurch.infocouncil.biz/Open/2023/03/PCBCC_20230309_AGN_9113_AT_WEB.htm