10 August 2023 Community Board meeting outcomes

On Thursday 10 August, the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board:

  • received two public forum presentations and a deputation;
  • approved an urban forest planting plan for Lancaster Park;
  • approved the renewal of Innes Road between Mersey Street & the shops past Philpotts Road;
  • approved no stopping restrictions for Pavitt Street and Moa Place;
  • approved the stopping and selling of a portion of land on Hendon Street;
  • approved grants from the Board’s Strengthening Communities Fund;
  • approved grants from the Board’s Discretionary Response Fund and Youth Development Fund;
  • and received an area report on issues and initiatives within the Board area.

Click through to read the full minutes. The Board will next meet on Thursday 14 September.

Construction to start on missing sections of Northern Line Cycleway

Construction of the missing sections of the Northern Line Cycleway linking Papanui through to Northwood is due to commence on 21 August 2023. Unfortunately KiwiRail has advised there’ll be further delays to upgraded pedestrian & cycle crossings adjacent to the railway line on Sawyers Arms, Langdons, and Harewood Roads. See more in this post from Think Papanui curator Simon Britten:

Good news: construction is due to start later this month on missing sections of the Northern Line Cycleway, between Tuckers & Sturrocks Roads and from Barnes Road to Main North Road. A start work notice is due to be delivered to nearby residents and businesses, and can also be found at the link below.

Not so good news: railway crossing upgrades at Sawyers Arms, Langdons, and Harewood roads were provisionally booked for November 2023 but the Council has now been notified by KiwiRail that the earliest possible time for these upgrades will be July 2024.


10 August Community Board agenda

The Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board will meet this Thursday 10 August at 4pm in the Papanui boardroom. The agenda includes:

  • public participation;
  • correspondence relating to naming of the lane that accesses Braintree off Langdons Road;
  • the urban forest planting plan for Lancaster Park;
  • no stopping restrictions for Pavitt Street and Moa Place;
  • Innes Road street renewal (pic);
  • stopping of 40m2 of road on Hendon Street;
  • Strengthening Communities grants from the Board’s funding pool of $657,718;
  • eight applications to the Board’s Discretionary Response Fund;
  • one application to the Board’s Positive Youth Development Fund;
  • and an area report on initiatives and issues within the Board area.

The meeting will be livestreamed on the Board’s YouTube channel and Facebook page. Click through for the full agenda:

Maintenance closure planned for Graham Condon pools

The pools at Graham Condon Recreation and Sport Centre are set to temporarily close from January 2024 for two significant maintenance projects, including replacing the pellet boiler used to head the pools with an electric system. The work is scheduled over summer as the Council’s outdoor pools are available at that time for the community to use as an alternative, in addition to year-round indoor pools. Click through to read more:

Image credit: Christchurch City Council


Collaborative community safety project for Papanui

This week’s Nor’West News includes coverage of a collaborative initiative to promote safety and youth-friendly spaces in the Papanui community, with comment from several people involved including Think Papanui curator Simon Britten. Groups involved include Papanui Youth Development Trust – PYDT, Northlands Shopping Centre, Canterbury Police, Papanui High School, Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board, Christchurch City Council, and Te Ora Hou Ōtautahi. See the image for the article, or head to: https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/68368586/norwest-news-july-27-2023

12 July Community Board meeting outcomes

On 12 July 2023, the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board:

  • heard one public forum presentation and 36 deputations;
  • approved no stopping restrictions at 519 Madras Street;
  • received a report on issues and initiatives within the Board area;
  • approved a road name for a development in Redwood;
  • approved parking and stopping restrictions in Chester Street East;
  • and recommended that the Council approves the cycle lane changes on Rolleston Ave and Park Tce for a five=year period, with the in-lane bus stop on Park Tce to be replaced with an indented stop.

The Board will next meet on Thursday 10 August. Click through to read the full minutes:

Summer with your Neighbours: funding available for local community events

Summer with your Neighbours was started as Neighbourhood Week by the then Shirley-Papanui Community Board in 1998. The initiative is about bringing people closer together and celebrating the unique and diverse mix of each neighbourhood. Small subsidies are available towards costs to help support Summer with your Neighbours events. Click through for more information and suggestions for events. Applications close on 11 August.