Long Term Plan submissions close today Friday 13 April

Last chance to give feedback on the Christchurch City Council Long Term Plan: submissions close at 5pm today Friday 13 April 2018. Click through for an online feedback form and a link to consultation documents.

Our Long Term Plan

Christchurch City Council draft Long Term Plan 2018–2028


More information on the Community Board’s 13 April agenda

Here’s a rundown on the agenda for tomorrow’s meeting of the Papanui-Innes Community Board from deputy chair Emma Norrish. (Note the opportunity to get involved with the planting of the Papanui Bush – contact Emma for more information on that.)[fb_vid id=”2105511319464973″]Here’s a summary of what’s happening in this week’s Papanui-Innes Community Board meeting.


Trafalgar Street – 30km/h speed limit approved by Council

Yesterday the City Council approved the proposed 30km/h speed limit for Trafalgar Street. New signage is expected to be in place by the end of next month. To read about the rationale for the change, and to see a full list of the feedback received on the proposal, click through to https://ccc.govt.nz/the-council/consultations-and-submissions/haveyoursay/show/117

Trafalgar Street – proposed 30km/h speed limit

Have your say on Papanui Parallel Major Cycle Route: Trafalgar Street – proposed 30km/h speed limit


Agenda of Papanui-Innes Community Board – 13 April 2018

The Papanui-Innes Community Board will meet this Friday 13 April at 9am in the Papanui boardroom. The agenda (link below) includes: applications to the Board’s Positive Youth Development Fund; an application to the Board’s Discretionary Response Fund from Te Ora Hou Ōtautahi for a youth voice project; and the standard agenda items such as an area report and the elected members’ information exchange.

Agenda of Papanui-Innes Community Board – 13 April 2018



Board meeting outcomes – 23 March 2018

Board meeting outcomes. At the 23 March meeting, the Papanui-Innes Community Board: discussed the Redwood Plunket Room refurbishment and the St Albans Community Centre, and received a briefing on the Graham Condon Recreation and Sport Centre. The board also requested that staff draft a letter to Environment Canterbury and the relevant Government Minister regarding water bottling plants in Belfast, to address concerns raised by members of the community. Follow this link to read the full minutes. The next meeting of the board will be at 9am this Friday 13 April in the Papanui boardroom.




Long Term Plan drop-in session this Wednesday 11 April

If you would like to learn more and give feedback about the Christchurch City Council plans and budget for the next ten years, there’s a drop-in session this Wednesday afternoon in the Civic Offices from 4pm to 7pm. Click through to the event for more information… Now is the time for you to have your say on our plans and priorities for the next 10 years.

The Long Term Plan 2018-28 outlines what we will do and how we will do it, plus how we plan to pay for it all.

We want to get the basics right so repairing our pipes and roads remains a high priority. To prioritise this essential infrastructure work, we are proposing to increase rates by an average of 5.5 per cent in the next financial year, with the increase tracking down in the following years.

There are a number of ways you can have your say:

Online: ccc.govt.nz/LTP

OR join us at our Council Civic Offices, Wednesday April 11 between 4:00pm-7:00pm

Can’t attend?
You can still get the answers you are looking for – just give us a call on 03 941 8999, provide your details and a good time for us to call, and one of our managers will be in touch.

You can also contact your local Community Board directly: http://bit.ly/2GxN9Cp

216 people interested


Papanui Community Survey

Papanui community survey: two local organisations (Papanui Baptist Freedom Trust and Northgate Community Services Trust) are surveying households in the Papanui area to find out what local people identify as strengths and challenges. Click through to complete the survey, or for more information please contact the organisers.

Papanui Community Survey

Have your say! We at Northgate, in conjuction with the Papanui Baptist Freedom Trust are undertaking a survey to find out what local people identify as the strengths and challenges facing the community located in Papanui and the surrounding neighbourhoods. Now is your chance to have a say!

Everyone who completes a survey also has the opportunity to join a prize draw for a $100 Countdown voucher.

Fill out the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YNGJKKF


Water chlorination update – treatment in Papanui will start on 6 April

Here’s a Christchurch water chlorination update from the Papanui Innes Community Board. Treatment in the Northwest zone will begin this Friday 6 April. This zone includes the top part of the Papanui Ward, including the pump stations in Prestons Road and Grampian Street (a map of the zone is available via the linked article). All Council water supplies are expected to be chlorinated by the end of this month.

Water chlorination

An update on chlorination:

There has been a change in sequencing of the rollout of temporary chlorination and CCC will now start treatment in the Northwest zone from Friday 6 April.

Treatment in the Riccarton zone will start on Wednesday 4 April, and in Sockburn and Hornby (the West zone) on Friday 6 April.

Previously CCC had planned to start treatment in the two biggest zones, Central and Northwest, at the end of April.

Amending the timeframe will reduce the overall demand on staff at the end of the programme and allow for a more efficient roll out.

Valves between the central and northwest zone have been shut off to stop any transfer of chlorinated water into the central zone. The central zone also has a higher pressure than the northwest, which would prevent water from the northwest flowing into the central area.

There is more information on our website www.ccc.govt.nz/water-chlorination


Long Term Plan Drop-In Session in Papanui today

Long Term Plan Drop-In Session at Papanui Library/Service Centre. Apologies for the super-short notice: today Wednesday 4 April, 12:30pm-3:30pm, at the Papanui Board Room (situated at the rear of the building). If you would like to pop in to meet with local Community Governance Team staff, or to know more about how to make a submission on the Christchurch City Council Long Term Plan, please do come and visit. Alternatively, for an online feedback form, and a ‘more information’ link that will take you to the detailed documents, click through to the Council website:

Our Long Term Plan

Christchurch City Council draft Long Term Plan 2018–2028
