Papanui-based community organisation in the news – twice


Papanui-based Te Ora Hou Ōtautahi features in both front-page stories in this week’s Nor’West News. Story one: a new breakfast club at Northcote School, open to the whole community and catering for higher than expected numbers. Story two: a community board chair votes against Council funding for a whānau resiliency project. Click through to read the full stories, and feel free to comment with your thoughts. (Declaration of interest: Think Papanui’s curator Simon Britten is an employee of Te Ora Hou Ōtautahi.), JUNE 12, 2018 Locally Owned Architecture awards New buildings recognised at


Reminder: free all-ages community sports programme each Friday at Northcote School

A reminder that a free all-ages community sports programme runs each Friday from 3pm-4pm at Northcote School. See the details in this post from Neighbourhood Links – Northcote/Redwood:

Our afterschool program is on this afternoon, come check it out .

We will have some exciting changes happening for this in the upcoming weeks so stay tuned….


Closing soon: Council ‘Life in Christchurch’ natural environment survey

A reminder that the Christchurch City Council’s 2018 ‘Life in Christchurch’ Natural Environment Survey is open for a few more days. The focus is on perceptions of and experiences with the natural environment in Christchurch and Banks Peninsula. Click through to find the survey, which will close on 10 June 2018, and also to see results from 2016 and 2017 surveys:

Life in Christchurch

Life in Christchurch is an annual survey series that asks residents for feedback on a variety of key aspects related to life in Christchurch.


Agenda of Papanui-Innes Community Board – 8 June 2018

The Papanui-Innes Community Board will meet this Friday 8 June at 9am in the Papanui boardroom. The agenda includes three people speaking to the Board in the ‘public forum’ part of the meeting – this is a period of up to 30 minutes may be available at each meeting for people to speak for up to five minutes on any issue that is not the subject of a separate hearings process. Two young people are reporting back on activities that the Board contributed funding to, and one person is speaking about concerns over an aspect of the proposed changes to Cranford Street and the surrounding area. The Board will also: consider No Stopping restrictions for Trafalgar Street and for Nyoli Street; and receive an Area Report, which provides information on initiatives and issues current within the Community Board area. Click through to read the full agenda:

Agenda of Papanui-Innes Community Board – 8 June 2018



Christchurch Northern Corridor (CNC) aerial fly over – May 2018


Click through to watch the latest aerial fly over of the Christchurch Northern Corridor (CNC), filmed by a drone flying from the north end of the project right through to the connection with Cranford Street. on the CNC Project is going well and work now extends from the Northern Motorway to Cranford Street. For more information on the CNC project, visit www….


Last days to give feedback on proposed changes to Cranford Street and the surrounding area

Final days to give feedback: consultation on proposed changes to Cranford Street and the surrounding area closes on Monday 4 June. Make sure that you have had your say on possibilities such as clearways, three-laning, and traffic calming on side streets – click through for more information and an online feedback form.


Proposed changes to Cranford Street and the surrounding area



Applications open for youth-oriented Big Ideas Fund

Do you have an idea that will benefit young people, and link to aspirations from the Christchurch Youth Action Plan? Youth Voice Canterbury is seeking applications from individuals, teams, or organisations to the Big Ideas Fund. Note that: applications close on 24 June 2018; it is preferable that young people (aged 12-24) lead or are a major part of planning and developing the initiative the funding is requested for; and the $10,000 fund will be split between multiple applications. Click through for more information, or check out the Youth Voice Canterbury Facebook Page.

Big Ideas Fund

Purpose of the Youth Initiative Fund This funding is to be used in a way that will result in benefits for young people, greater engagement of young people in the community, and link to aspirations…


Community Board Newsletters Papanui Innes – June 2018

The Papanui Innes Community Board is on the ball – here’s their June newsletter, and it’s not quite the end of May 🙂 Click through to read about the work of some local community organisations, consultation on changes for Cranford Street and surrounding roads, an update on bus priority lanes, and more:

Community Board Newsletters Papanui Innes – June 2018

An excellent example of working together this month with the progress made addressing issues concerning residents in the Shirley/Richmond and Dallington areas.
