Revised Annual Plan out for consultation

The Council’s Annual Plan is the budget for the upcoming financial year. It sets out how the Council will spend and where funding will come from. The impact of COVID-19 has required a revision to the draft plan for July 2020 to June 2021. The revised plan and a consultation document are available now on the Council’s website. You can have your say on the draft plan from now until 29 June. Click through for more information:…/consultations-an…/haveyoursay/show/308


Council facilities back to normal under Level 1

The move to Alert Level 1 means Council facilities can resume operating ‘largely as they were before the COVID crisis’. Capacity numbers have been lifted at venues including recreation and sport centres. Contract tracing measures and rigorous cleaning protocols will remain in place. Click through to read more:…/council-facilities-back-to-n…

For Editorial/News purposes only. Do not use for promotional purposes without first checking with the Newsline team.

Council facilities back to normal under Level 1

The move to Alert Level 1 tomorrow will signal a return to business as usual at Christchurch City Council’s public facilities…”


No entry to Sherborne Street from Bealey Ave


From tomorrow Monday 8 June for around three weeks there’ll be no entry to Sherborne Street from Bealey Ave. This is due to watermain, road, and drainage works being undertaken in preparation for the opening of the Christchurch Northern Corridor (CNC) motorway. If you are in the area, take care and follow signage and detours.



Agenda of Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board – 5 June 2020

The Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board will hold its first post-lockdown meeting this Friday 5 June at 9:15am in the Papanui Boardroom. The agenda includes: safety improvements (already implemented) for Langdons Road; the removal of redundant bus stops on Philpotts Road; 17 applications to the Board’s Discretionary Response Fund; and an area report on initiatives and issues current within the Community Board area. The meeting is open for the public to attend. Click through to read the full agenda:…/PICB_20200605_AGN_45…


Agenda of Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board – 5 June 2020


Council: recycling right is essential

The Christchurch City Council cannot accept many plastics in our kerbside recycling as there is ‘no viable market’ globally, and there are low thresholds for contamination of those products that are recyclable. Clean plastics 1, 2, and 5, as well as cardboard & paper and some other materials can go in the yellow bin. Click through to read more about recycling, including the resumption of wheelie bin spot checks:…/recycling-right-essential-in…


Recycling right essential in global buyer’s market

Making sure there is no rubbish mixed in with the recycling has become critically important in the face of shrinking international markets for used plastic and paper. Christchurch City Council Head of Three Waters and Waste Helen Beaumont explains why…


Think Papanui’s weekly email newsletter

Subscribe for a chance to win: each Friday afternoon Think Papanui sends an email summary of stories published over the previous week. At the end of today Sunday 31 May there’ll be a draw for a $20 gift card from Columbus Cafe as a way of saying thank you to email subscribers. If you’re an existing subscriber, you’re already in the draw! If you want to join, click through to sign up Terms at


Community Board newsletter: 27 May

The latest newsletter from the Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board includes information on: the new modular pump track in Shirley Community Reserve; work downstream of the Christchurch Northern Corridor; the resumption of Community Board meetings; more spot checks of yellow wheelie bins; a revised draft Annual Plan; and more. Click through to read and to sign up to receive newsletters by email:
