Caroline Eve is on the move in Papanui, with a new store opening this Friday 26 March at the Winston Ave / Main North Rd corner. The old store off Langdons Rd has closed already.
Council considers changes to Papanui Ward boundaries
The Christchurch City Council is reviewing representation arrangements, including Ward boundaries and the make-up of Community Boards. There are boundary changes proposed for Papanui Ward, including Redwood Springs shifting into Innes Ward, and it is proposed that the Community Board be made up of three Wards – Papanui-Innes-Central.
Click through for more information and an online feedback form:
Marian College’s plans for Papanui revealed
Here’s a fly-through video showing the planned design of Marian College’s new site in the former Foodstuffs warehouse in Papanui. This site is located behind the planned Pak’nSave at the Main North Rd / Northcote Rd corner, and will be accessed from Northcote Rd via Lydia St.
Learn more about the Long-Term Plan
The latest newsletter from the Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board has a focus on the draft Long Term Plan 2021-31, which sets out where the Councils money will come from over the next ten years and how it will be spent. Click through to read more about the plan, including an online search tool for projects and activities you’re interested in, climate change action, plans to protect drinking water, and more.
Cycleway plans draw more than 1200 submissions
Consultation update: more than 1200 submissions have been received by Council on the Wheels to Wings cycleway. Staff will now review all the submissions and consider what changes should be made the the proposed design. Later this year a Hearings Panel will consider the submissions along with recommended changes to the design, and hear in person from submitters. Click through to read more:
Local LTP drop-in information sessions
The Long Term Plan 2021–31 sets out what the Council plans to achieve over the next decade, and how it will be funded. The draft plan is open for public feedback until 18 April. There are local drop-in sessions on Monday 22 March and Friday 26 March where you can chat to your local Community Board members about the plan, what it means for our area and for residents and ratepayers. Facebook events for these sessions are:
22 March:
26 March:
For information see the Council’s website:
Missing rabbit in the Condell Ave area
This grey bunny by the name of Precious is missing in the Condell Ave area. Please message via this page if found.
Wheels to Wings cycleway feedback closes today – 15 March
The proposed Wheels to Wings cycleway is open for feedback until the end of the day today, Monday 15 March. A Council decision in February means that the next step will be for staff to produce a range of design options for Community Boards to consider in public workshops prior to the commencement of the hearings process. Click through for more information on the project and an online feedback form:
Agenda of Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board – 17 March 2021
The Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board will meet at 9am on Wednesday 17 March in the Papanui boardroom. The agenda includes: two public forum presentations; correspondence relating to medium density housing in St Albans, and the North Richmond road repair programme; and an Area Report on initiatives and issues current within the Community Board area. The meeting will be followed by a meeting of the Board’s submissions committee, to consider submitting on: the Representation Review; the Draft Long Term Plan 2021-2031; the Draft Development Contributions Policy; and the Draft Climate Change Strategy 2021. Both meetings are open for the public to attend. The full agenda for the Board meeting can be found at:
Agenda of Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board – 17 March 2021
Recap: the week ended 12 March 2021
Think Papanui’s curator Simon Britten rounds up stories from the past week:
The Council’s Strengthening Communities Fund has opened for applications from community-focused organisations whose projects contribute to the strengthening of community wellbeing in the Christchurch city area.
The boundaries of Papanui Ward are proposed to change, and the Central Ward is proposed to be joined to an expanded Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board area. On Thursday the Council approved a representation review proposal, and a public consultation process is planned to commence on 20 March.
I summarised the minutes of the (fairly brief) 5 March meeting of the Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board.
On Thursday morning in my capacity as Deputy Chair of the Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board I joined with Board Chair Emma Norrish in presenting our monthly Community Board report to the Council:
Also on Thursday I attended the final drop-in information session for the Wheels to Wings cycleway. Consultation closes on 15 March. That evening there was a public meeting re the cycleway proposal, hosted by Harewood Councillor Aaron Keown. A family commitment meant I couldn’t attend the meeting, but my sources described it as ‘fired up’.
Top post of the week was a late-night post on behalf of a community member searching for rings lost, probably near Kmart on Langdons Road.
Closing soon:
- Consultation on the Wheels to Wings cycleway closes on 15 March
Coming up:
- Consultation has just opened today on three significant issues: the draft Long Term Plan (more to come in a future Think Papanui post); the draft Ōtautahi Christchurch Climate Change Strategy 2021; and also the draft Development Contributions Policy 2021. For these and other current consultations you can always head to the ‘have your say‘ page on the Council’s website.
- There’ll be a Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board meeting on the morning of 17 March, followed by a Submissions Committee meeting (more details to come in a future Think Papanui post)
- There’ll be local drop-in sessions for members of the public to discuss the Long Term Plan with Community Board members on 22 and 26 March (see the ‘Community Board events’ section on this page for details)
Feedback is always welcome on Think Papanui’s content, either on Facebook or Instagram, or directly to me.
With warm regards
Simon Britten