On 12 September 2024, the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board:
- heard a report-back from a gymnast who had been supported to compete internationally by the Board’s Youth Development Fund;
- received a deputation from members of the Polish community in relation to the proposal to name a reserve, and then approved the name Little Poland Park for that reserve in Marshland in acknowledgement of the 733 Polish children who came to New Zealand in 1944;
- approved road names for two residential developments;
- approved a ground lease to Merivale Papanui Cricket Club for an area within Edgar McIntosh Park;
- approved two grants from the Board’s Discretionary Response Fund;
- approved 28 ‘Summer with your Neighbours’ grants to help cover costs associated with gatherings that will bring neighbours together;
- and received an area report on issues and initiatives within the Board area.
The Board will next meet on Thursday 10 October.
Click through to read the full minutes: