On Thursday 11 May, the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board:
- received six public forum presentations and one deputation;
- received correspondence on vehicle speeds on Rutland Street;
- approved Greening the East tree plantings and associated parking changes for Worcester, Cashel, and Hereford streets;
- recommended the Council approves an outdoor dining licence for C1 Cafe;
- approved stopping and parking restrictions outside Christchurch Adventist School;
- laid a funding application to support the Edmonds Factory Garden Party on the table pending further information, and approved an application from the St Albans Residents Association;
- adopted the Board’s plan for 2023-25;
- received an Area Report on issues and initiatives current within the Board area;
- and exchanged information on matters of interest.
The Board will next meet on Thursday 15 June.
Click through for the full minutes: https://christchurch.infocouncil.biz/Open/2023/05/PCBCC_20230511_MIN_9115_AT.PDF