Te Kura o Matarangi Northcote School has a Rummage Sale this Saturday 29 March, from 10am to 2pm. Clothing and accessories will be on offer from $1. Please bring cash, EFTPOS is not available. For more information see the Facebook event.
Community engagement in the Papanui Ward in Christchurch, New Zealand
Te Kura o Matarangi Northcote School has a Rummage Sale this Saturday 29 March, from 10am to 2pm. Clothing and accessories will be on offer from $1. Please bring cash, EFTPOS is not available. For more information see the Facebook event.
Te Kura o Matarangi Northcote School has a Twilight Gala on Thursday 27 March, from 4pm to 7pm. An afternoon filled with games, food and exciting activities for all ages. All activities and games are FREE! Please bring cash for food and raffles. For more information see the Facebook event.
Aratupu Preschool & Whānau Hub has a market day this Saturday 29 March, from 9am to 1pm at 97 Harewood Road. See the Facebook event for more details.
Sawyers Arms Road is no longer closed at the railway line, as work progresses on upgrades at the level crossing. From now until approximately 11 April, a lane will be closed and temporary traffic lights will be used to manage two-way traffic through the area during work hours (generally 7am-7pm Mon-Fri). The road is expected to be open two-way outside of these hours.
Commissioning of the signalised crossing (along with crossings on Langdons Road and Harewood Road) is expected in May.
Sharing on behalf of a University of Canterbury master’s student. This survey is open until Wednesday 19 March 2025.
Are you interested in improving public transport in Christchurch?
As part of a Master’s degree at the University of Canterbury ׀ Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha (UC), I am conducting research on how to better connect people to public transport. My research focuses on a proposed Mass Rapid Transit corridor running from Hornby to Belfast through the central city, and how to extend the reach of this corridor. Attached to this post is a survey, while there is also the opportunity to be involved in an interview once the survey is completed.
It will take 5 – 10 minutes of your time, and all the results will be confidential.
There is a potential Koha involved in completing this survey. Each participant will go in the draw to win one of 3x $50 supermarket vouchers, which will be drawn randomly after the survey has closed. Each participant that takes part in an interview will be given a $20 supermarket voucher (up to 10) as a Koha.
Survey link: https://canterbury.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0rN1Ng7QwR5z5MG
Thanks for your participation!
Ngā mihi,
Joseph Young
At 2pm on Saturday 22 March, two of the first official Peace Poles in Christchurch will be unveiled by the Rotary Club of Papanui at Bridgestone Reserve on Langdons Road.
Peace Poles are an initiative of Rotary International – a monument that displays the message May Peace Prevail On Earth. There are currently over 250,000 Peace Poles worldwide, dedicated as monuments to peace.
For more information on Peace Poles, see:
The Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board will meet on Thursday 13 March at 4pm in the Papanui Boardroom. The agenda includes:
The meeting will be streamed live on the Board’s YouTube channel and Facebook page. Following the meeting the Board will be briefed by staff on investigations into pedestrian and cycle facilities for Northcote Road, and the Board’s submissions working group will consider submissions on current Council consultations.
Click through to read the full agenda:
Multiple Council plans and proposals are currently open for feedback, including: Local Alcohol Policy early engagement (closes 9 March); District Plan changes to help manage the effects of industrial activity happening close to housing (closes 17 March); a Development Contributions review (closes 26 March); and the draft Annual Plan (closes 28 March).
Options for the Council’s implementation of the Government’s Local Water Done Well programme will be published for feedback shortly too.
Click through to access the Council’s Kōrero mai | Let’s talk website:
From 1 March to 16 March Sawyers Arms Road will be fully closed at the rail crossing to all traffic, including cyclists and pedestrians, as work progresses on crossing upgrades. From 17 March the road will reopen under temporary traffic light control.
When the work is complete there’ll be a signalised pedestrian/cycle road crossing, as well as upgraded facilities for pedestrians crossing the railway line.
More information on the work can be found in last month’s project update.
The Draft Annual Plan 2025/26 outlines the activities, services, and capital projects the Council will deliver in the upcoming financial year, and how it will pay for them. The draft plan is open for public feedback until midnight on Friday 28 March.
Click through for more information: