Subscribe for a chance to win: each Friday afternoon Think Papanui sends a weekly email summary of stories published over the previous week. From March until May 2020 there’ll be a monthly draw for a $20 gift card from a local Papanui cafe as a way of saying thank you to email subscribers. If you’re an existing subscriber, you’re already in the draw! If you want to join, click through to sign up. One winner will be chosen at random from active subscribers at the end of each month. Other terms can be found at
6 March Board meeting outcomes
The 6 March meeting of the Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board was brief. The Board heard from four members of the public in the Public Forum, including two young people supported by the Board's Positive Youth Development Fund, an update on Neighbourhood Support, and a proposal from a resident seeking a water fountain in the Styx Esplanade reserve and improved sun protection at playgrounds. The Board will next meet on Friday 20 March. Click through to read the full minutes:…/PICB_20200306_MIN_41…
Alcohol ban approved for rugby league fields
Consultation outcome: the proposed permanent alcohol ban for rugby league playing fields has been approved by the Christchurch City Council. Public consultation attracted 25 submissions, with 19 in support, one with concerns and 5 opposed. Click through to read more:…/alcohol-ban-comes-into-play-…
Alcohol ban comes into play for rugby league fields
“A permanent alcohol ban for rugby league playing fields has been backed by Christchurch City Council…”
Meet Christchurch Central MP Duncan Webb this Saturday in Papanui
This Saturday 14 March from 10am to 11am there’s an opportunity to meet Duncan Webb Labour MP for Christchurch Central at the Papanui Library. No appointment is necessary – click through for details:
Consultation closing on Wairakei/Grahams intersection
Consultation reminder: proposed safety improvements at the Wairakei/Grahams Rd intersection are open for feedback until tomorrow, Monday 9 March. The plan is for each direction to have a dedicated right turn lane and a shared left-turn/straight-through lane. Other changes include realignment of the lanes, protected pedestrian phases, newly painted cycle lanes and extended no-stopping restrictions on approaches. Click through for details and an online feedback form:…/consultations-an…/haveyoursay/show/298
Wairakei Rd and Grahams Rd Intersection safety improvements
“Residents and motorists have raised concerns about safety at the intersection of Wairakei and Grahams roads. To improve safety here we’re making changes to the road layout…”
Nightly closures at Cranford/Innes intersection
From Sunday night 8 March through to 21 March there'll be nightly closures at the Cranford St / Innes Rd intersection. The road will be milled and resurfaced and the intersection widened. The east side will be worked on first, followed by the west site. Cranford Street will be closed southbound initially and then northbound later in the work, which will take place between 9pm and 6am. Click through for more details:…/cnc-cranford-innes-intersection-…
The Press: Residents face six-year wait for traffic lights
An update on today’s Council decision on lights at the Harewood/Gardiners/Breens intersection: the recommendation to include the traffic signals in the scope and budget for the proposed Wheels to Wings cycleway was passed, but not the recommendation to deliver the cycleway earlier than currently planned. From the article linked below:
“Once the vote to include the lights in the cycleway was carried, councillors then voted on bringing forward construction of the cycleway from the existing 2026/28, which would have allowed the lights to be installed earlier along with the cycleway.
The vote was lost, after an eight-all tie. Crs Keown, MacDonald, James Gough, Yani Johanson, Melanie Coker, Tim Scandrett, Phil Mauger, and Catherine Chu voted against bringing the cycleway forward. James Daniels had left the meeting at that stage and did not vote.”…/residents-face-sixyear-wait-for-t…
Residents face six-year wait for traffic lights at Christchurch intersection
“Residents in Christchurch’s north-west will have to wait until at least 2026 before lights are built at an unpopular intersection…”
Council committee to consider Hardwood/Gardiners/Breens traffic lights
In September 2019 the Council voted to support traffic signals at the Harewood/Gardiners/Breens intersection, asking staff to investigate options to fund the estimated $1.2m cost. A staff report will be presented to the Finance and Performance Committee tomorrow, recommending that the signals be added to the scope and budget for the proposed Wheels to Wings cycleway and that the Council considers bringing forward the timing of that project. Adding signals to the scope of the cycleway “…may allow the costs of the signalisation to attract NZTA subsidy”.
Alternatively the Council could vote to deliver signals as a stand-alone project, which would not be subsidised by NZTA and would require either new funding or substitution of other projects in the annual plan. The report notes that signals cannot be funded out of the Council’s intersection safety programme, as the intersection is outside the top 100 riskiest in Christchurch. Due to Council and community support for signalisation, a ‘do nothing’ option was ruled out by staff.
The full report can be found at item 16 of the agenda linked below. The committee meeting is open for the public to attend and is also live streamed online.…/FPCO_20200305_AGN_40…
Agenda for 6 March Board meeting
The Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board will meet at 9:15am this Friday 6 March in the Papanui boardroom. There's only a brief agenda for this meeting, including a public forum of up to 30 minutes for members of the public to speak to the Board (currently five speaking slots have been allocated, three of which are young people reporting back on national and international events). The meeting is open for the public to attend. Click through to read the full agenda:…/PICB_20200306_AGN_41…
QEII Drive closed tonight Tuesday 3 March
QEII Drive will be closed in both directions tonight Tuesday 3 March, between Main North Rd and the Innes Rd roundabout, from 9pm until 6am tomorrow. This is for a concrete pour on the CNC overbridge. There's a chance that wet weather could extend the work for one or two extra nights. Click through for more information:…/cnc-qeII-drive-project-update-20…