Recap: the week ended 27 March 2020

Think Papanui’s curator Simon Britten rounds up stories from the past week (which has understandingly been dominated by COVID-19):

Top post of the week was the news last Saturday that all Council community facilities were closing until further notice.

The only non-COVID-19 story of the week concerned last Sunday’s night closure of QEII Drive.

I linked to a Newshub story on last week’s Community Board meeting.

The Council assured us that essential services would continue to be provided while the city is in a Level 4 lockdown.

I shared news from Northlands Shopping Centre as we approached Level 4.

The Council met on Tuesday to determine governance arrangements during the COVID-19 emergency period.

I shared outcomes, minutes, and the live video from last week’s Community Board meeting.

Email promotion Columbus

Think Papanui’s ‘subscribe for a chance to win’ mailing list promotion is continuing, although winners may have to wait to utilise their cafe-voucher prizes.

Think Papanui’s Facebook followers gave useful feedback on the proposed local “what’s open” page, and shortly thereafter the page was launched.


Northlands Shopping Centre has posted details of opening hours and access arrangements for essential services still operating under the Level 4 alert.

The ‘teddy bear hunt‘ underway around New Zealand has arrived in the Papanui area also.

Feedback is always welcome on Think Papanui’s content, either on Facebook or Instagram, or directly to me.
With warm regards
Simon Britten

Coronavirus: New Zealanders start teddy bear hunt for kids

Has your household been on a bear hunt? Teddy bears have been spotted in windows around Papanui, providing a point of interest for children. (Remember, it’s okay to go out for fresh air, but keep to your bubble and keep close to home.)…/coronavirus-new-zealanders-start-…

Coronavirus: New Zealanders start teddy bear hunt for kids during Covid-19 lockdown


What’s open in the Papanui area?

What's open in Papanui? Think Papanui is trialling a page with information on essential services open in our local area, with the objective of assisting our community in accessing these services during the COVID-19 lockdown. This page will NOT include a listing of "what's closed" as the list would be too long. If you're aware of any errors or omissions, please send a message, keeping in mind this is a volunteer effort being maintained on a best-efforts basis.

What’s open in the Papanui area?

Note: the purpose of this page is to assist our community in accessing essential services during the COVID-19 lockdown commenced in March 2020. It is not intended to encourage people to go out more…


Checking the need for local information

Question: as we go into Alert Level 4, would it be useful to have a “what’s open in the Papanui area” page on Think Papanui? It would be focused on local info, maintained on a ‘best efforts’ basis, and would not replace official Council and Government information sources. Please let me know your thoughts. ^Simon



Subscribe for a chance to win

Think Papanui publishes a weekly email newsletter that recaps stories shared over the previous week. There’s a cafe gift card to be won each month for the next three months, drawn from those who are subscribed to the mailing list. Unfortunately the cafes are closed due to the coronavirus situation, but the draws will go ahead. Here’s hoping we see an improvement in the public health situation in the very near future. If you’re keen to subscribe, head to:


20 March Community Board meeting outcomes and live stream

At the 20 March meeting, the Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board:

  • discussed and acted on a number of items of correspondence;
  • approved a proposed bus shelter on Shirley Road at Petrie Street; and
  • received an area report covering initiatives and issues current within the Community Board area.

The meeting was live-streamed on the Board’s Facebook page, and two Board members and a Council staff member attended by phone due to COVID-19-related self-isolation requirements. Follow the link below to watch the video, or the minutes can be found at It is not clear when the Board will next meet, following the 24 March Council decision to revoke the Board’s delegations and cancel all scheduled Hearings, Committee, and Community Board meetings (see separate post for details).


[fb_vid id=”photo_id”:”155505135621160″”][fb_vid id=”155505135621160″]


Council to consider governance arrangements during emergency period

At 5pm today the Council will meet to consider governance arrangements during the COVID-19 emergency period. The staff recommendation is that almost all Council delegations be revoked (including all delegations to Community Boards), and that an Emergency Committee (consisting of the Mayor and all Councillors, but with a quorum of two) be given all decision-making authority that it is possible for the Council to delegate. See the Council’s post for a link to the agenda and live stream:


Northlands Shopping Centre will be open until end of day Wed 25 March

Northlands Shopping Centre will be open until end of day on Wednesday 25 March, although some non-essential stores are closing sooner. Essential services including Pak’nSave and Countdown will remain open once we are in Level 4, although likely with reduced opening hours.

When Think Papanui visited Pak’nSave this morning the shelves were mostly well stocked and there were no significant queues for checkouts.

Council to maintain essential services during lock-down

The Council’s essential services will continue to be provided as we move through Level 3 into Level 4 COVID-19 response. Click through for more info…


Council to maintain essential services during lock-down

Mayor Lianne Dalziel and Christchurch City Council Chief Executive Dawn Baxendale are assuring residents that essential services will continue to be provided across Christchurch and Banks Peninsula throughout lock-down period.”
