Christchurch Northern Corridor | NZ Transport Agency

Motorists heading north please note: from next Tuesday 30 May the current Chaneys on-ramp will be closed to make way for construction work on the Christchurch Northern Corridor. You will be able to instead use a new diversion road which will be opened next to the on-ramp. Please be aware of the changed traffic condition and take care, and note that you may encounter congestion at peak times. For more details, and for other project updates, please see

Christchurch Northern Corridor | NZ Transport Agency

This project combines the Transport Agency’s Northern Arterial (a new section of SH74 running from just south of the Waimakariri River to QEII Drive near Winters Rd) and two Christchurch City Council projects that link QEII Drive to Cranford St and four-lane Cranford St to Innes Rd.


Agenda of Papanui-Innes Community Board – 26 May 2017

The Papanui-Innes Community Board will meet at 9am this Friday 26 May in the Papanui boardroom. The agenda (link below) includes a traffic control change for Winters Road, and applications to the Positive Youth Development Fund and the Discretionary Response Fund.

Agenda of Papanui-Innes Community Board – 26 May 2017



Papanui High School Open Evening 2017

Papanui High School’s open night is next Tuesday 23 May from 6:30pm – click through to the event for more details: Open evening is an open invitation to all prospective students and parents/caregivers to find out more about all of the wonderful opportunities that Papanui High School has to offer.

The evening begins at 6.30pm with a welcome in the hall from the Principal, BOT chair & Head Students. This is then followed by guided tours throughout the school led and facilitated by Y9-13 students, visiting ALL the key learning areas and other areas of interest. Tea and coffee is served in J block as well as Enrollment information.

Please ensure you are early to secure a seat. Car parking is available in the Noel Leeming/Warehouse Stationery car park.

88 people went


Former Mad Butcher store placed in liquidation facing high costs and low margins

Are you curious about the sudden closure of the Papanui Mad Butcher? is reporting that the company operating the store went into liquidation last week:

Former Mad Butcher store placed in liquidation facing high costs and low margins

Increased costs and inadequate margins hurt Papanui store’s profitability.


Programme to replace shallow wells hits halfway mark

The Grampian Street site (pictured) is one of the locations where the Christchurch City Council is replacing unconfined shallow wells with deeper sources. Click through for an update:

Programme to replace shallow wells hits halfway mark

A $15 million programme to replace shallow wells supplying water to 80,000 residents in northwest Christchurch is progressing well, with all those residents now receiving water from 14 new deep wells.


Strengthening Communities Fund : Christchurch City Council

Community organisations: there is a Strengthening Communities Funding information session tonight 15 May at 5:30pm at the Papanui boardroom. Council staff will be presenting for 15 minutes, followed by individual advice and assistance. Bookings are not required, but you can contact your grants advisor or the Christchurch City Council call centre for more info. Click through for more information on the Strengthening Communities Fund:

Strengthening Communities Fund : Christchurch City Council

The Strengthening Communities Fund opens on Monday 8 May and closes midnight Tuesday 6 June 2017.


Board meeting minutes

Minutes of the 9 May meeting of the Papanui-Innes community board have been published. Decisions included approval of Discretionary Response funding for Delta Community Support Trust, the St Albans Art Society, and New Brighton Men’s Probus. The next board meeting is on Friday 26 May at 9am in the Papanui boardroom.

