On Thursday 21 October at 2pm Council staff will brief the hearings panel for the Wheels to Wings cycleway. The briefing agenda (link below) includes the background to the project, a summary of the consultation feedback, and design concepts considered. The briefing will be livestreamed and will be followed by public information days and a further period of engagement with the community to gather feedback on the design concepts and the design changes made following the previous consultation.
Month: October 2021
8 October Board meeting outcomes
At the 8 October meeting, the Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board:
- received a public forum item from a member of the public, discussing the final safety audit for the Cranford St upgrade, and requested an urgent briefing from staff on the issues raised;
- approved a parking upgrade for Winston Ave;
- approved proposed road names for a development off Prestons Rd;
- approved $2,801 in Summer with your Neighbours funding;
- cancelled the scheduled 22 October meeting of the Board;
- approved renewals for three streets in Richmond;
- received an area report on issues and initiatives within the Board area;
- and approved two grants from the Board’s Discretionary Response Fund.
The Board will next meet on Wednesday 3 November. Click through to read the full minutes:
Christchurch Community Strategy: drop in
There’s a drop-in session this afternoon Wed 13 October from 4pm to 6pm at the St Albans Community Centre. Council staff will be there to discuss the draft Ōtautahi Christchurch Community Strategy, which is the Council’s continued commitment to work with others to build a healthy, happy, and resilient Christchurch. For more information on the strategy and an online feedback form, click through to: https://ccc.govt.nz/the-council/haveyoursay/show/353
Super Saturday: COVID vaccination in the Papanui area
This Saturday October 16 is Super Saturday and New Zealand needs a really big turnout to get our vaccination rates up. Papanui residents can get a jab with no appointment on Saturday at: Bargain Chemist Northwood and Papanui; Remedy Pharmacy, Springfield Road; Unichem Crisps Pharmacy Wairakei Road; Unichem Elmwood; Orchard Road vaccination centre at Christchurch Airport.
There are also bookable and walk-in vaccinations available at various local locations prior to Saturday.
The big drive-through vaccination event at Christchurch Arena will get under way at 9am Saturday and there will be entertainment to keep the kids occupied.
Vaccination is the key to ending lockdowns and keeping our community safe from the Delta variant, so please get along to one of the many drop in sites for your shot or encourage friends and family who need a nudge. For more information head to the Super Saturday link at https://covid19.govt.nz/
Nor’west Arc Cycleway consultation closing
Consultation closes today Tuesday 12 October on section 3 of Te Ara O-Rakipaoa Nor’west Arc Cycleway, linking Papanui with the University. Click through for details and an online feedback form:
More FM promotion visits Papanui
More FM Canterbury 92.1 will be running a promotion in the Papanui & Northcote area Saturday morning between 9am and 12pm. See their post for details.
We look forward to seeing you this weekend! 🥳 Win $10,000 with More FM’s 30 in the 03 — all details here: https://morefm.co.nz/30years
Barnes Road closed for cyclway works
Barnes Road is now fully closed just west of the railway line, while the path through Barnes Reserve is upgraded as part of the Northern Line cycleway. The works notice can be found at: https://ccc.govt.nz/transport/works-3/show/818
Board to consider submissions on Community Strategy, Cycleway
Following this Friday’s Board meeting, with Submissions Committee of the Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board will meet at 11am on 8 October to consider making submissions on the Council’s Draft Ōtautahi Christchurch Community Strategy and on Te Ara O-Rakipaoa Nor’west Arc Cycleway – Section 3. Follow the link below for the full agenda for the committee meeting, or for more details and to make your own submission on either project, head to https://ccc.govt.nz/haveyoursay.
Link to agenda: https://christchurch.infocouncil.biz/Open/2021/10/PCBSC_20211008_AGN_7281_AT_WEB.htm
Agenda of Waipapa Papanui-Innes Community Board Submissions Committee – Friday, 8 October 2021
Video: Nor’West Arc Cycleway
https://ccc.govt.nz/haveyoursay for more details and an online feedback form.
Consultation on the University to Papanui section of Te Ara O-Rakipaoa Nor’west Arc Cycleway closes on 12 October. See this video for an overview of the proposed design, and head toConsultation on the University to Papanui section of Te Ara O-Rakipaoa Nor’west Arc Cycleway closes on 12 October. See this video for an overview of the proposed design, and head to https://ccc.govt.nz/haveyoursay for more details and an online feedback form.
Check out the flyover video below and for more information on the project head to our website: https://ccc.govt.nz/the-council/haveyoursay/show/448
[fb_vid id=”2002646539890646″]
Agenda: 8 October Community Board meeting
The Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board will meet this Friday 8 October at 9am in the Papanui boardroom. The agenda includes: a proposed car parking upgrade for Winston Avenue (pic); proposed road names for a development off Prestons Road; and $2,801 of proposed grants for “Summer with your Neighbours”. At Alert Level 2 the boardroom will not be open to the public, but the meeting will be livestreamed on the Board’s Facebook page, and members of the public can request to make a public forum or deputation by Zoom. Click through to read the full agenda: