Here’s a brief video update showing some of what’s happening across the Papanui Ward in September 2017:
https://youtu.be/G34ydaQrqeAThink Papanui’s September 2017 update on what’s happening in the Papanui, Northcote, and Redwood area of Christchurch, New Zealand. Links for more informatio…
Author: Simon Britten
Redwood School fair this coming weekend
If you’re looking to support a local school event this coming weekend, maybe head to the Redwood Primary School fair on Prestons Road, this Sunday 24 September 2017, from 10am to 2:30pm.
The first freight train between Picton and Christchurch
The first freight train between Picton and Christchurch since last year’s earthquake is scheduled to pass through Papanui this afternoon. Keep an eye out for it and remember to take care around the railway line.
The first freight train destined to travel on the Main North Line since the Kaikoura earthquake has left Auckland and is making its way down the country.
Freight from our customers Bascik, Toll Group, Mainfreight, Owens Transport, Daily Freight and Maersk Group was loaded onto wagons in Auckland last night, and the train began its journey south at around 9.30pm. It’s due to arrive in Wellington this morning and will be carried across the Cook Strait by Interislander.
The train will depart Picton at 1.30am on Friday to begin its journey along the Main North Line, stopping for a celebration in Kaikoura at 8am, and finishing up in the afternoon in Christchurch.
Give our drivers a wave if you see them pass by – and remember to be safe around the rail network!
Waimakariri Bridge update from the Papanui-Innes Community Board
For those following the debate over the proposed third southbound lane over the Waimakariri Bridge, please see this post from the Papanui Innes Community Board for the latest.
The latest on the third lane on the Waimakariri Bridge On 25 August 2017, the Canterbury Regional Transport Committee agreed to recommend that Environment Canterbury approve a variation to the Regional Land Transport Plan to allow a third southbound lane over the Waimakariri Bridge. The recommendation was made on the basis that the third southbound lane will operate as a high occupancy vehicle lane during the morning peak, and that a new cycle lane will also be attached to the bridge.
Environment Canterbury will make its decision on 21 September 2017. If Environment Canterbury approves the proposed variation, then the New Zealand Transport Agency will then decide whether to vary the National Land Transport Programme to include this proposal.
A copy of the report to the Regional Transport Committee is available on our website at the following link: https://api.ecan.govt.nz/TrimPublicAPI/documents/download/3249770
CNC video from the NZ Transport Agency
In this video from the NZ Transport Agency, a site engineer working on the Christchurch Northern Corridor (CNC) project explains what wick drains are and how they work:
Site engineer Tom Belworthly explains how wick drains help the settlement happen faster on the Christchurch Northern Corridor (CNC) project. For more informa…
Thanks for subscribing!
Thanks for subscribing ? Think Papanui launched in 2016 to promote community engagement with local government, focusing on the Papanui ward. We’re about to clock up our 1,000th Page Like and as a small gesture of thanks one lucky person who has liked the page by Sunday 17 September will receive a gift generously donated by Joe’s Garage. Tell your friends!
(T&C: no entry necessary. A winner will be drawn at random on the morning of 18/9/17 from people who like the Think Papanui Facebook page (subject to privacy settings). If the winner cannot be contacted in a reasonable period the draw will be repeated. The winner’s details will only be published with their consent.)
Have you been held up by ‘ghost calling’?
Have you been held up by ‘ghost calling’ of the Papanui Parallel Cycleway traffic lights at the Sisson Drive / Sawyers Arms Road intersection? Council staff have reported that these signals are detecting non-existing cyclists and then allocating them a signal phase which takes time away from traffic movements, leading to congestion, especially in peak hours. Good news: work is continuing on a solution and Council staff report that they are confident that it will be fully resolved in the near future.
Agenda of Papanui-Innes Community Board – 15 September 2017
The agenda for this week’s meeting of the Papanui-Innes Community Board includes a decision on approximately $360,000 in Strengthening Communities funding. Council staff have also recommended that the Board allocates $10,000 to the 2017/18 Papanui-Innes Positive Youth Development Fund.The meeting starts at 9:30am on Friday 15 September in the Papanui boardroom, and is open for the public to attend.
Agenda of Papanui-Innes Community Board – 15 September 2017
Belfast In The Park
If you’re looking for a family-friendly day out next Sunday 17 September you might like to head up to Sheldon Park for the Belfast Community Network ‘Belfast in the Park’ event. Click through for details. Come down to Sheldon Park for a Sunday afternoon, enjoy some awesome Food Truck delights including the awesome Smokey T’s BBQ, Tommy Taco and even My Whippy! Help support Belfast School’ Jump Jam Team’s who are off to the Nationals in Auckland later in the year! Meet Sue Elley the new Belfast School Principal who will be starting in term 3. Lots of free fun activities for the kids including the fun Pedal Mainia, bouncey castles and face painting.
424 people interested
Teen Leisure Programmes at the new Central Library : Christchurch City Council
Youth voice opportunity: the new Christchurch Central Library is planned to open mid-2018. For youth, there will be spaces to hang out, and Christchurch City Libraries are currently planning the programmes and events to be held there. Make sure you have your say – if you’re aged 13 to 18 years, complete the survey by 30 October 2017 to go in a prize draw:
Teen Leisure Programmes at the new Central Library : Christchurch City Council
Find out what’s happening at Council.