Sharing on behalf of a University of Canterbury master’s student. This survey is open until Wednesday 19 March 2025.
Are you interested in improving public transport in Christchurch?
As part of a Master’s degree at the University of Canterbury ׀ Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha (UC), I am conducting research on how to better connect people to public transport. My research focuses on a proposed Mass Rapid Transit corridor running from Hornby to Belfast through the central city, and how to extend the reach of this corridor. Attached to this post is a survey, while there is also the opportunity to be involved in an interview once the survey is completed.
It will take 5 – 10 minutes of your time, and all the results will be confidential.
There is a potential Koha involved in completing this survey. Each participant will go in the draw to win one of 3x $50 supermarket vouchers, which will be drawn randomly after the survey has closed. Each participant that takes part in an interview will be given a $20 supermarket voucher (up to 10) as a Koha.
Survey link:
Thanks for your participation!
Ngā mihi,
Joseph Young