24 November Community Board newsletter

The 24 November newsletter from the Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board is available at the link below. Click through to read about: the most recent Board meeting; garden watering over summer; a new shared e-bike service; the opening of the CNC motorway; the opportunity to have input into the Council’s Long Term Plan, and more.


Council to decide Cranford St layout

The layout of Cranford St south of Innes Rd is back on the Council agenda tomorrow (26 November). In October the Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board endorsed the current road layout, while deputations to Council earlier this month by Environment Canterbury and Waimakariri District Council requested peak hour bus priority lanes to support the update of public transport, and Waka Kotahi (NZTA) advocated for peak hour clearways to reduce rat running in local streets. Further consideration by staff has determined that the Council “does not have a lawful option of not following” the recommendations of the independent traffic expert, who recommended clearways but has now agreed to a trial of the… More


Christchurch Northern Corridor to open Monday 30 November

Chris Lynch reports that there’ll be a partial opening of the Christchurch Northern Corridor (CNC) motorway from Monday 30 November, with restrictions on lanes, speed, and open times. This will be followed by an open day on Saturday 12 December, with the public able to walk or cycle on the motorway, and then full opening from Thursday 17 December. Click through for more:

New Christchurch motorway set to open this month — CHRIS LYNCH MEDIA


Community Board submits on Council consultations

On 11 November the submissions committee of the Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board met to formulate submissions on the Council’s draft community housing strategy and on District Plan Change 6 (Home Base zoning change). The Board’s submissions can be found in the link below.



Panel to consider Colombo St cycle connection

Consultation update: on Monday 23 November a Hearings Panel will consider the proposed Colombo Street Cycle Route Connection. The panel includes Mike Davidson – Councillor for Papanui and two other City Councillors. The meeting is open to the public, and will be held in Committee Room 1 in the Hereford Street civic offices.
The agenda for the meeting, which includes a summary of public feedback and details of all submissions, can be found at:
The schedule of presenters to the hearings panel can be found at:
