13 June Community Board meeting outcomes

On 13 May 2024, the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board:

  • received five public forum presentations, and heard four deputations in relation to Shirley Community Reserve;
  • requested staff initiate the process to design a community building on Shirley Community Reserve, and identify an appropriate community partner/operator to progress the development of the facility;
  • approved two grants from the Board’s Youth Development Fund;
  • approved ten grants from the Board’s Discretionary Response fund;
  • requested that staff initiative a trial working with agencies to address underlying social issues in the Edgeware Village area, and recommended that Council requests that staff investigate and implement a trial alcohol ban for Edgeware Village;
  • approved the attendance of two Board members to the Community Boards’ Conference in August;
  • and received a report on issues and initiatives within the Board area.

The Board will next meet on 11 July 2024.

Click through to read the full minutes: