Have your say: Christchurch bus routes, fares & rates proposed to change

ECan’s proposal to cut two bus routes in the Papanui area is currently open for feedback. Three options are proposed, all of which include discontinuing the 107 Styx Mill – Northlands and 108 Casebrook – Northlands routes, with no alternative services provided. Four other routes in other parts of the city are also proposed to be discontinued. You have until 26 March 2018 to have your say on this proposal (or any other aspect of Ecan’s Long-Term Plan). Follow this link for more details on the bus routes proposal and information on how to make a submission (can be online, by email, video, or hard copy):

Pages – Bus routes, fares & rates proposed to change

Bus routes, fares & rates proposed to change. Public transport plays a vital part in connecting communities and enabling work and social travel in the region. Public transport in Greater Christchurch and Timaru is managed by Environment Canterbury, under the Metro…
