An update on the sinkhole on Main North Rd at Prestons Road: as at 5:30pm this evening, the lane drop southbound on Main North Rd was still in place, but it looks like the repair is pretty much done, and the right turn from Main North Rd onto Prestons has been restored.
Think Papanui’s curator Simon Britten rounds up stories from the past week:
I posted a video overview of the Council’s consultation document on proposed projects in the Cranford Street area.
I shared some photos from last month’s ‘Dusk to Dawn’ youth event – this is likely to run again mid next year – keep an eye on Papanui Youth Development Trust’s Facebook page or other channels for info.
There are currently night closures on QEII Drive to enable the removal of the wall panels on the CNC overpass abutments.
Local community organisation Te Ora Hou Ōtautahi has commenced a building project on their site between Windermere Road and Condell Avenue.
On Tuesday and Thursday evenings I attended the drop-in information sessions on the Council’s proposed transport projects in the Cranford Street area, downstream of the Christchurch Northern Corridor. The proposals remain open for feedback until the 19th of August.
I posted an overview of the agenda for today’s meeting of the Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board.
I also posted an overview of the joint meeting of the Papanui-Innes and Coastal-Burwood Community Boards, also taking place today, 9 August 2019.
I shared an article I wrote on one of the key decisions that’s been made by Council on the management of traffic downstream of the Christchurch Northern Corridor.
Image credit: Transport for Christchurch
A developing sinkhole forced the closure of a southbound lane on Main North Road by Prestons Road. This was Think Papanui’s top post of the week, with a number of people alarmed at the need for further roadworks at this site.
Closing soon:
The deadline for nominations for mayor, councillor, and community board member in this year’s local elections is next Friday 16 August
The 16th of August is also the closing date for feedback on the Foodstuffs resource consent application for a new PAK’nSAVE supermarket on Main North Road
From the week of Monday 12 August the CNC Alliance will be installing another 445 steel piles to strengthen the foundation of the motorway’s bridge at QEII Drive.
The next meeting of the Redwood Business and Residents’ group is this Tuesday 13 August at the Christchurch Function Centre, Main North Road, Redwood.
Feedback is always welcome on Think Papanui’s content, either on Facebook or Instagram, or directly to me. With warm regards Simon Britten
From the week of Monday 12 August through until October the CNC Alliance will be installing another 445 steel piles to strengthen the foundation of the motorway’s bridge at QEII Drive. The work will be done during the project’s normal hours of work – 7am to 7pm Monday to Saturday, and there will likely be some noise and vibration impacts for local residents. For more information see:…/cnc-qeII-drive-update-20190806.p…
Potential candidates for mayor, councillor, or community board member have until Friday 16 August to get their nomination in to the City Council’s Electoral Officer. It’s also important to ensure that you’re correctly enrolled to vote by that same Friday (although if you enrol later, you can still cast a special vote). Click through for details.
Oh dear: just when the closure on Prestons Rd by Main North Rd was about to be lifted, a sinkhole has formed beside the work site, causing the lane drop on Main North Rd southbound to be reinstated. Take care if you’re in the area.
One key decision on managing traffic downstream of the Christchurch Northern Corridor has been made, while plenty more proposals are currently out for consultation. There’s a drop-in session at St Albans School from 5pm to 7pm on Thu 8 Aug 2019, and consultation closes on 19 August. More in this article by Think Papanui’s Simon Britten:…/council-settles-on-solution-for…/
“Commentary: the plan to manage traffic downstream of the Christchurch Northern Corridor (CNC) included nine options to manage the motorway’s additional traffic south of Berwick Street through to Be…”
The Papanui-Innes Community Board will meet jointly with the Coastal-Burwood Community Board this Friday 9 August 2019 at 10am in the Papanui boardroom. The meeting will consider the proposed Marshland, Spencerville and Kainga Area Speed Management Plan, including deputations from members of the public and a staff report. The staff report recommends that the plan that was consulted on be implemented, but also includes an ‘option 2’ that retains the existing 70km/h speed limit for part of Marshland Road. The report notes ‘significant opposition’ to proposed reduced speed limits, “especially on Marshland Road / Main North Road”.
The joint meeting will also consider a recommendation for a new signalised intersection at 215 Marshland Road, where a new supermarket is being developed just north of the current Homebase site.
The Waipapa/Papanui-Innes Community Board will meet this Friday 9 August at 9am in the Papanui boardroom. The agenda includes: two items relating to bus stops in Shirley Ward; 31 grants totalling $88,135 from the Board’s Strengthening Communities fund; two applications to the Board’s Discretionary Response Fund; and an area report covering initiatives and issues current within the Community Board area. The meeting is open for the public to attend. Click through to read the full agenda:…/PICB_20190809_AGN_32…
In the Nor'West News this week: Papanui-based youth and community organisation Te Ora Hou Ōtautahi has commenced the redevelopment of their Windermere Road site, with buildings dating to the early 1900s demolished and new buildings being relocated onto the site this week. To ensure safety during the project, pedestrian access through the site between Windermere Road and Condell Avenue will be closed for a period of time. You can find the full digital edition online at…/62766495/norwest-news-august-06-2019
From Wednesday 7 August through to 16 August there will be intermittent brief closures of QEII Drive at night, by the bridge abutments for the CNC overpass. This will enable the wall panels on the bridge abutments to be removed so that further piling work can be done. Earlier this year the Star reported the need to add piles following excessive movement in the abutment walls. For more details see…/cnc-qeII-drive-update-20190729.p…